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St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

Thursday, February 21st Thursday, February 21st

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Thursday, February 21st

Posted on Thu, Feb 21, 2013

This morning started off with another wonderful breakfast provided by Dave. We are working hard but not sure we will burn off all those tasty calories. We pack our bag lunches to take in a cooler with us to the job site before we leave the Forestdale church. It was another cold morning but the sun was out giving us hope for a whole day of work. Dave sent our site supervisor, Bill, a Delaware delicacy, a scrapple and egg sandwich. Bill was impressed and ate the whole thing and then we all started to work. Joe, Kay and Darrell were trained by Bill on the installation of the roof starter strips and then laid out chalk courses for the roofing shingles. Myron and Bill finished the vinyl trim work and then helped with the roofing. About 1/3 of the front roof has been shingled. Eileen, Nora and Jeanne finished the siding on the back porch and started the siding on the front porch. They were pulled off siding duty to install door knobs on the two outside doors to the house and then were put on cleaning duty - two tubs and a very dirty floor (red clay) through out the house. Linda and Marianne continued to get the siding done within reach of the ladders. Rain threatened again but waited until quitting time. Also on site today, a new septic tank was installed at the correct elevation for the house. The old one had to be uncovered, pumped out (a little stinky...thank heavens for the breeze) and then filled in.

Kay delivered a BIble to the family that was sent by the Cincinnati Presbytery. He replied that it was his favorite book and it was lost in the storms. So, he was very happy and appreciated receiving it. Eileen also talked to the homeowner and learned about their storm story. Mike Owens and his family and three dogs piled in the tub and when it was over they looked out from under the debris and the only three walls left were the bathroom walls. Their neighbors daughter was standing there asking for their help. They were able to find her Mom right away but could not revive her. They then searched for her Dad. Seeing some debris moving, they found him seriously injured and were able to keep him lying down in the water for 6 hours until help was able to get to them. Many families are still receiving counseling to handle the terrifying events of the storm.

We ended the day by taking out dinner, Cassandra, our host site coordinator, and Dave, our chef. We went to a local favorite, a cafeteria called Nickki's West. Huge place with huge helpings. A few of us finished their whole dinner.

It is raining hard outside (with some lightning) right now. Just in case, we were taught the tornado protocol. We are hoping that we will be able to work at the site tomorrow. But since it will be all slippery, red mud and all our work is outside we have planned for a alternate project if need be. Site supervisor Bill will call us in the morning.

   Discussion: Thursday, February 21st
Susan Piefer · 12 years ago
What a wonderful experience this must be for all of you! It sounds as if you are learning and also making great strides in finishing this house. Good Job! Have a safe trip home and let me know when you are there. Susan Piefer, Kay's oldest sister

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